The Silver Thread Buns is consisted of strings of colored mantou covered by a layer of white mantou. Similar to mantou, Silver Thread Buns are passed around in Beijing and Tianjin, and constantly showed up on the menu of restaurants in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau. Making Silver Thread Buns by hands takes a lot of works. First, bakers have to apply oil on the dough, then, cut it into thin strings of dough, 0.3-0.5 cm in width, and wrap them in another dough. Then, bakers will add milk to the wrapping dough. This will not only enrich the flavor but make the dough white and creamy. As for the “silver”, bakers will add pumpkin or carrots to increase flavor and color. After the silk rolls are steamed, the strings of dough will turn gold and yellow. The sophisticated texture and the delicate looks distinguished Silver Thread Buns from all other mantous. Moreover, once roasted or fried, the golden crispy skin of Silver Thread Buns will be irresistible.